Research results are currently published in the institute's scientific journal Acta historiae artis Slovenica (published since 1996) and in the scholarly quarterly Umetnostna kronika (published since 2003) in monographs and in other periodicals.
Monographs published since 1982
Mija Oter Gorenčič, Deformis formositas ac formosa deformitas. Samostanska stavbna plastika 12. in 13. stoletja v Sloveniji, Založba ZRC, Ljubljana 2009 (Opera Instituti Artis Historiae)
Helena Seražin, Arhitekt Giorgio Massari (1687-1766), sakralna arhitektura na Goriškem, v Furlaniji, Istri in Dalmaciji, Založba ZRC, Ljubljana 2007 (Opera Instituti Artis Historiae).
Ana Lavrič, Ljubljanska stolnica. Umetnostni vodnik, Družina, Ljubljana 2007.
Vis imaginis. Baročno slikarstvo in grafika. Festschrift Anica Cevc (ed. B. Murovec), Umetnostnozgodovinski inštitut F. Steleta ZRC SAZU, Narodna galerija, Slovensko umetnostnozgodovinsko društvo, Založba ZRC, Ljubljana 2006.
Blaž Resman, Kiparstvo poznega baroka na Gorenjskem, Založba ZRC, Ljubljana 2006 (Opera Instituti Artis Historiae)
Almanach and Painting in the Second Half of the 17th Century in Carniola (ed. B. Murovec, M. Klemenčič, M. Breščak), Založba ZRC, Ljubljana 2006
Roelof van Straten: Uvod v ikonografijo (prevedli B. Murovec in A. Vodnik), Založba ZRC, Ljubljana 2006
Almanach in slikarstvo druge polovice 17. stoletja na Kranjskem (ed. B. Murovec, M. Klemenčič, M. Breščak), Založba ZRC, Ljubljana 2005
Slovenska umetnostna zgodovina. Tradicija, problemi, perspektive (ed. B. Murovec), Založba ZRC, Ljubljana 2005
Jože Plečnik - Jan Kotĕra. Dopisovanje 1897-1921 (ed., translation, comments: D. Prelovšek), Založba ZRC, Ljubljana 2004 (Opera Instituti Artis Historiae)
Ana Lavrič: Janez Gregor Dolničar, Zgodovina ljubljanske stolne cerkve, Ljubljana 1701–1714 (Opera Instituti Artis Historiae), Založba ZRC, Ljubljana 2003
A scientific-critical publication of Janez Gregor Dolničar's work Historia Cathedralis Ecclesiae Labacensis (1701–1714) has long been a desideratum of Slovene art and cultural history. Published is the integral text of Dolničar's Latin manuscript, its translation into Slovene (prose by Dr. Marijan Smolik, verses by Dr. Kajetan Gantar), and added is also his draft of the Historia. The accompanying text by A. Lavrič, based on archival documents, discusses in detail the manuscript itself, the author and also the cathedral, and presents them in a comprehensive, rounded off scientific study. The book is meant to commemorate the 300th anniversary of the construction of Ljubljana Cathedral.
"Hodil po zemlji sem naši ...". Festschrift Marijan Zadnikar (ed. A. Klemenc), ZRC SAZU, Ljubljana 2001
The book contains 32 essays written in honour of academician Marijan Zadnikar's eightieth birthday by native and foreign scholars, mainly from the field of art history and monument protection and also from the fields of general history, archaeology, and ethnology.
Vita artis perennis. Festschrift Emilijana Cevc (ed. A. Klemenc), ZRC SAZU, Ljubljana 2000
The book contains 45 essays written in honour of academician Emiljan Cevc's eightieth birthday by native and foreign scholars, covering not only the field of art history but also of general history, archaeology, ethnology and natural science.
Blaž Resman: Barok v kamnu, ZRC SAZU, Ljubljana 1996
The book preasents the stonecutter's trade and the sculpture of the early Baroque in Ljubljana, that is from Mihael Kuša to Francesco Robba. A special charm of the book is the illumination of historical circumstances which encouraged the comission of various works of art. With its concept of opening problems related to certain issues the book offers new views of this extremely important and rich period of Slovene art history.
Ana Lavrič: Ljubljanska škofija v vizitacijah Rinalda Scarlichija 1631-1632, Teološka fakulteta, Inštitut za zgodovino cerkve, Ljubljana 1990
The manuscript visitation report by Rinaldo Scarlichi is housed in the Archbishopric Archives in Ljubljana. The introductory study gives a brief account of the visitation records which cover the entire area of the Ljubljana diocese of the time (as many as 550 architectural monuments are described) and are a valuable archival source for Slovene ecclesiatical, cultural and art history.
Ana Lavrič: Vloga ljubljanskega škofa Tomaža Hrena v slovenski likovni umetnosti, SAZU, Ljubljana 1988
The study gives an overall account of the artistic activity of the Ljubljana bishop Tomaž Hren, the central personality in the crucial time of the Counter-Reformation in Carniola. The book is a synthesis of the earlier knowledge about Hren's era, and its exhaustive scholarly apparatus makes it the fundamental text about one of the most significant periods of art in Slovenia's older history.
Ana Lavrič: Vizitacijsko poročilo Agostina Valiera o koprski škofiji iz leta 1579, ZRC SAZU, Ljubljana 1986
A scientific-critical publication of visitation records by the bishop of Verona, Agostino Valier, including valuable information on the religious situation in the Koper/Capodistria diocese in 1579. The records, housed in the Vatican archives, are an important source for both art history and general - and within it particularly ecclesistical - history.
Upodobitve ljubljanskih škofov (ed. Ana Lavrič), Narodna galerija, Umetnostnozgodovinski inštitut F. Steleta ZRC SAZU, Nadškofija Ljubljana, Narodni muzej Slovenije, Ljubljana 2007.